Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

New Colorado butterfly records

Six new Colorado butterfly records were added to the database: Plebejus melissa (Arapahoe County, Natalie Robinson), Ancyloxypha numitor (Boulder County, Scott Severs), Speyeria edwardsii (Weld County, Norma Erickson), Hesperia uncas (Boulder County, Janet Chu), Papilio cresphontes (Larimer County, Ed Levering), and Hesperia leonardus (Adams County, Natalie Robinson). (Opler-Aug-Sept09)

New California butterfly records

Two hundred and twelve California butterfly records of Abaeis, Agraulis, Brephidium, Callophrys, Cupido, Leptotes, Papilio, Phyciodes, Pieris, Pyrgus, Satyrium, and Strymon species were added to the database from contributors Adam Winer, Bruce & Bret Boyd, G. Gorelich & O. Shields, Gary File, J. A. Comstock, J. Emmel & O. Shields, J. W. Tilden, Jim Brock, John F. Emmel, John G. Pasko, John H. Masters, John S. Garth, K & J Hughes, J. Lane, K. Davenport & S. Summers, K. Hughes & R. Stanford, Ken Davenport, Lisa Braley, M. Stangeland & K. Davis, Michael J. Smith, Noel McFarland, Oakley Shields, Randy Emmitt, Ray Stanford, Robert Langston, and Susan Steele. (CA-3Sept09)

New Georgia butterfly and moth records

Eighty-four Georgia butterfly and moth records were added to the database from Anthony Zukoff, Christa Frangiamore, Dan Perrine, Dan Vickers, David Hollie, Deena Bowers, Frank Sparti, Jane Fiore, Jim Flynn, Joe Davis, Kathy Fuller , Katy Stevens, Kenneth Waldrep, Lois Stacey, Marcus Pollard , Michelle McLaurin, Pat Whitehead, Pierre Howard, Rachel Cass, Rachel Pennington, Robert Varnes, Sam Adams, Steve Coleman, Terry Johnson, Thomas Faber, Todd Mansell, Vicki DeLoach, and Wayne Schaffner. (GA-3Sept09)

New California butterfly records

Two hundred and twelve California butterfly records of Apodemia, Atlides, Brephidium, Cercyonis, Colias, Habrodais, Heliopetes, Leptotes, Lerodea, Lycaena, Ochlodes, Papilio, Pieris, Plebejus, Pontia, Satyrium, and Vanessa species were added from contributors Bruce & Bret Boyd, J. A. Comstock, Jim Brock, John G. Pasko, John S. Garth, Keith C. Hughes, Ken Davenport, Michael J. Smith, Oakley Shields, Paul Opler, R. O'Donnell, and Randy Emmitt. (CA-31Aug09)