Regional Species Checklists
Wright County, Minnesota, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 595 species from this region.
Hesperiidae Skippers
Epargyreus clarus Silver-spotted Skipper
Pholisora catullus Common Sootywing
Carterocephalus palaemon Arctic Skipper
Ancyloxypha numitor Least Skipper
Thymelicus lineola European Skipper
Hylephila phyleus Fiery Skipper
Hesperia comma Common Branded Skipper
Polites peckius Peck's Skipper
Wallengrenia egeremet Northern Broken-Dash
Anatrytone logan Delaware Skipper
Poanes hobomok Hobomok Skipper
Euphyes vestris Dun Skipper
Euphyes dion Dion Skipper
Amblyscirtes hegon Pepper and Salt Skipper
Papilionidae Parnassians and Swallowtails
Papilio polyxenes Black Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Pieridae Whites and Sulphurs
Pieris rapae Cabbage White
Pontia protodice Checkered White
Colias philodice Clouded Sulphur
Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur
Zerene cesonia Southern Dogface
Nathalis iole Dainty Sulphur
Lycaenidae Gossamer-wing Butterflies
Lycaena phlaeas American Copper
Lycaena hyllus Bronze Copper
Lycaena helloides Purplish Copper
Satyrium titus Coral Hairstreak
Satyrium edwardsii Edwards' Hairstreak
Satyrium calanus Banded Hairstreak
Cupido comyntas Eastern Tailed-Blue
Celastrina ladon Spring Azure
Celastrina neglecta Summer Azure
Nymphalidae Brush-footed Butterflies
Danaus plexippus Monarch
Euptoieta claudia Variegated Fritillary
Speyeria cybele Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria idalia Regal Fritillary
Boloria selene Silver-bordered Fritillary
Boloria bellona Meadow Fritillary
Limenitis arthemis Red-spotted Purple or White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis arthemis White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis astyanax 'Astyanax' Red-spotted Purple
Limenitis archippus Viceroy
Asterocampa celtis Hackberry Emperor
Asterocampa clyton Tawny Emperor
Chlosyne nycteis Silvery Checkerspot
Phyciodes tharos Pearl Crescent
Junonia coenia Common Buckeye
Polygonia interrogationis Question Mark
Polygonia comma Eastern Comma
Nymphalis antiopa Mourning Cloak
Vanessa virginiensis American Lady
Vanessa cardui Painted Lady
Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral
Enodia anthedon Northern Pearly-eye
Satyrodes eurydice Eyed Brown
Satyrodes appalachia Appalachian Brown
Coenonympha tullia Common Ringlet
Cercyonis pegala Common Wood-Nymph
Drepanidae Hooktip and False Owlet Moths
Drepana arcuata Arched Hooktip
Saturniidae Wild Silk Moths
Antheraea polyphemus Polyphemus moth
Hyalophora cecropia Cecropia silkmoth
Sphingidae Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths
Amorpha juglandis Walnut sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa Waved sphinx
Smerinthus jamaicensis Twin-spotted sphinx
Paonias myops Small-eyed sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae Laurel sphinx
Paonias excaecata Blinded sphinx
Lintneria eremitus Hermit sphinx
Lapara bombycoides Northern pine sphinx
Smerinthus cerisyi One-eyed sphinx
Ceratomia amyntor Elm sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta Modest sphinx
Hyles lineata White-lined Sphinx
Hyles euphorbiae Spurge hawkmoth
Aellopos titan Titan sphinx
Eumorpha achemon Achemon sphinx
Darapsa myron Virginia creeper sphinx
Eumorpha pandorus Pandorus Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus (pholus) Azalea Sphinx
Amphion floridensis Nessus sphinx
Deidamia inscriptum Lettered sphinx
Sphecodina abbottii Abbott's sphinx
Hemaris thysbe Hummingbird Clearwing
Notodontidae Prominents
Coelodasys unicornis Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Dasylophia anguina Black-Spotted Prominent
Paraeschra georgica Georgian Prominent
Peridea angulosa Angulose Prominent
Ianassa lignicolor White-Streaked Prominent
Odontosia elegans Elegant Prominent
Pheosia rimosa Black-rimmed Prominent
Ellida caniplaga Linden Prominent
Nadata gibbosa White-dotted Prominent
Furcula cinerea Gray Furcula
Datana integerrima Walnut Caterpillar Moth
Clostera albosigma Sigmoid Prominent
Heterocampa guttivitta Saddled Prominent
Gluphisia septentrionis Common Gluphisia
Lochmaeus bilineata Double-lined Prominent
Nerice bidentata Double-toothed Prominent
Noctuidae Owlet Moths, Miller Moths
Ponometia erastrioides Small Bird-dropping Moth
Protodeltote muscosula Large Mossy Lithacodia
Cerma cora Owl-eyed Bird-dropping Moth
Homophoberia apicosa Black Wedge-spot
Ponometia candefacta Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth
Leuconycta diphteroides Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta lepidula Marbled-green Leuconycta Moth
Cerma cerintha Tufted Bird-Dropping Moth
Acronicta grisea Gray Dagger Moth
Acronicta fallax The Green Marvel
Anterastria teratophora Gray Marvel Moth
Acronicta laetifica Pleasant Dagger Moth
Acronicta insita Fingered Dagger Moth
Acronicta lepusculina Cottonwood Dagger Moth
Acronicta morula Ochre Dagger Moth
Harrisimemna trisignata Harris' Three Spot
Acronicta oblinita Smeared Dagger Moth
Acronicta americana American Dagger Moth
Acronicta connecta Connected Dagger Moth
Acronicta increta Raspberry Bud Dagger Moth
Acronicta spinigera Nondescript Dagger Moth
Acronicta insularis Henry's Marsh Moth
Acronicta retardata Retarded Dagger Moth
Hyppa xylinoides Common Hyppa
Galgula partita The Wedgling
Chytonix palliatricula Cloaked Marvel
Proxenus miranda Miranda Moth
Oligia modica Black-banded Brocade
Amphipoea americana American Ear Moth
Amphipyra pyramidoides Copper Underwing
Nedra ramosula Gray Half-Spot
Condica videns White-dotted Groundling
Apamea sordens finitima Bordered Apamea
Dypterygia rozmani American Bird-wing Moth
Balsa tristrigella Three-lined Balsa
Callopistria mollissima Pink-shaded Fern Moth
Papaipema nebris Stalk Borer Moth
Papaipema leucostigma Columbine Borer Moth
Apamea lignicolora Wood-colored Apamea
Platypolia mactata Adorable Brocade
Papaipema necopina Sunflower Borer Moth
Papaipema cataphracta Burdock Borer Moth
Plagiomimicus pityochromus Black-barred Brown
Amphipyra glabella Smooth Amphipyra Moth
Copivaleria grotei Grote's Sallow
Lithophane antennata Ashen Pinion
Eupsilia devia Lost Sallow
Eupsilia vinulenta Straight-toothed Sallow
Eupsilia morrisoni Morrison's Sallow
Psaphida rolandi Roland's Sallow
Sunira bicolorago Bicolored Sallow
Calophasia lunula Toadflax Brocade
Lithophane bethunei Bethune's Pinion
Cucullia asteroides The Asteroid
Catabena lineolata Five-lined Sallow
Psaphida resumens Figure-Eight Sallow
Protodeltote albidula Pale Glyph Moth
Capis curvata Curved Halter Moth
Maliattha synochitis Black-dotted Maliattha
Pseudeustrotia carneola Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Sympistis badistriga Brown-lined Sallow Moth
Adita chionanthi Fringe-Tree Sallow
Charadra deridens The Laugher
Panthea furcilla Eastern Panthea
Allagrapha aerea Unspotted Looper Moth
Plusia putnami Putnam's Looper Moth
Anagrapha falcifera Celery Looper Moth
Diachrysia balluca Hologram Moth
Abrostola urentis Variegated Brindle Moth
Trichoplusia ni Cabbage Looper Moth
Autographa precationis The Common Looper Moth
Plusia contexta Connected Looper Moth
Feralia major Major Sallow
Globia oblonga Oblong Sedge Borer
Protorthodes oviduca Ruddy Quaker
Lacinipolia meditata The Thinker
Leucania pseudargyria False Wainscot
Lacinipolia renigera Bristly Cutworm Moth
Orthosia hibisci Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth
Leucania phragmitidicola Phragmites Wainscot
Leucania multilinea Many-lined Wainscot
Dargida diffusa Wheat Head Armyworm Moth
Lacinipolia olivacea Olive Arches
Dargida rubripennis The Pink-Streak
Trichordestra legitima Striped Garden Caterpillar
Nephelodes minians Bronzed Cutworm Moth
Anarta trifolii The Nutmeg
Melanchra picta Zebra Caterpillar Moth
Mythimna unipuncta Armyworm Moth
Morrisonia confusa Confused Woodgrain
Melanchra adjuncta Hitched Arches
Feltia herilis Master's Dart
Apamea amputatrix Yellow-headed Cutworm Moth
Bellura obliqua Cattail Borer Moth
Papaipema furcata Ash Tip Borer Moth
Helotropha reniformis Reniform Celaena Moth
Euxoa auxiliaris Army Cutworm
Feltia jaculifera Dingy Cutworm Moth
Pseudohermonassa tenuicula Morrison's Sooty Dart
Xestia smithii Smith's Dart
Agrotis venerabilis Venerable Dart
Protolampra brunneicollis Brown-collared Dart
Euxoa velleripennis Fleece-winged Dart
Agnorisma badinodis Pale-banded Dart
Xestia normaniana Norman's Dart
Peridroma saucia Variegated Cutworm Moth
Resapamea stipata Four-lined Borer Moth
Cosmia calami American dun-bar Moth
Pseudohermonassa bicarnea Pink-spotted Dart
Xestia dolosa Greater Black-letter Dart
Agrotis ipsilon Ipsilon Dart
Bellura gortynoides White-tailed Diver
Agrotis vetusta Old Man Dart
Ochropleura implecta American Flame-shouldered Dart
Noctua pronuba European Yellow Underwing
Lithophane hemina Hemina Pinion Moth
Raphia frater The Brother Moth
Chloridea virescens Tobacco Budworm Moth
Schinia lynx Lynx Flower Moth
Helicoverpa zea Corn Earworm Moth
Schinia rivulosa Ragweed Flower Moth
Schinia arcigera Arcigera Flower Moth
Eudryas grata Beautiful Wood-nymph
Alypia octomaculata Eight-spotted Forester
Eudryas unio Pearly Wood-nymph
Psychomorpha epimenis Grapevine Epimenis
Ogdoconta cinereola Common Pinkband
Erebidae Erebid Moths
Halysidota tessellaris Banded Tussock Moth or Pale Tiger Moth
Haploa lecontei Leconte's Haploa
Euchaetes egle Milkweed Tussock Moth or Milkweed Tiger Moth
Cycnia tenera Delicate Cycnia or Dogbane Tiger Moth
Crambidia pallida Pale Lichen Moth
Apantesis arge Arge Tiger Moth
Grammia virguncula Little Tiger Moth
Phragmatobia fuliginosa Ruby Tiger Moth
Grammia parthenice Parthenice Tiger Moth
Spilosoma virginica Virginian Tiger Moth or Yellow Woolybear Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella Isabella Tiger Moth or Banded Woolybear
Clemensia albata Little White Lichen Moth
Spilosoma congrua Agreeable Tiger Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Cycnia oregonensis Oregon Cycnia
Apantesis nais Nais Tiger Moth
Ctenucha virginica Virginia Ctenucha
Apantesis virgo Virgin Tiger Moth
Zanclognatha ochreipennis Wavy-lined Zanclognatha Moth
Bleptina caradrinalis Bent-winged Owlet Moth
Zanclognatha laevigata Variable Zanclognatha Moth
Idia americalis American Idia Moth
Phalaenostola metonalis Pale Epidelta Moth
Idia lubricalis Glossy Black Idia Moth
Phalaenostola larentioides Black-banded Owlet Moth
Lascoria ambigualis Ambiguous Moth
Idia aemula Common Idia Moth
Renia flavipunctalis Yellow-spotted Renia Moth
Phalaenophana pyramusalis Dark-banded Owlet Moth
Macrochilo bivittata Two-striped Owlet
Zanclognatha marcidilinea Yellowish Zanclognatha
Macrochilo orciferalis Bronzy Macrochilo Moth
Macrochilo louisiana Louisiana Macrochilo
Palthis angulalis Dark-spotted Palthis Moth
Hypena baltimoralis Baltimore Bomolocha Moth
Hypena scabra Green Cloverworm Moth
Hypena madefactalis Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth
Hypena humuli Hop Vine Moth
Hypena deceptalis Deceptive Bomolocha Moth
Hypena bijugalis Dimorphic Bomolocha Moth
Hypena abalienalis White-Lined Bomolocha Moth
Hypenodes caducus Large Hypenodes Moth
Catocala ultronia Ultronia Underwing
Catocala cara Darling Underwing
Catocala grynea Woody Underwing
Zale obliqua Oblique Zale
Plusiodonta compressipalpis Moonseed Moth
Zale horrida Horrid Zale
Caenurgina erechtea Forage Looper Moth
Catocala amatrix Sweetheart Underwing
Phoberia atomaris Common Oak Moth
Catocala similis Similar Underwing
Catocala lineella Girlfriend Underwing
Catocala concumbens Sleepy Underwing
Catocala ilia Ilia Underwing
Catocala meskei Meske's Underwing
Metalectra discalis Common Fungus Moth
Catocala parta Mother Underwing
Zale galbanata Maple Zale
Catocala micronympha Little Nymph Underwing
Rivula propinqualis Spotted Grass Moth
Orgyia leucostigma White-marked Tussock Moth
Orgyia definita Definite Tussock Moth
Euteliidae Euteliid Moths
Marathyssa inficita Dark Marathyssa Moth
Marathyssa basalis Light Marathyssa
Nolidae Tuft Moths
Meganola minuscula Confused Meganola
Meganola spodia Ashy Meganola
Oecophoridae Concealer Moths
Tineidae Clothes Moths
Acrolophus arcanellus Grass Tubeworm Moth
Elachistidae Grass Miner Moths
Autostichidae Autostichid Moths
Oegoconia novimundi Four-spotted Yellowneck
Coleophoridae Coleophorid Case-bearers
Coleophora mayrella Metallic Coleophora Moth
Cosmopterigidae Cosmopterigid Moths
Limnaecia phragmitella Shy Cosmet
Gelechiidae Twirler Moths
Metzneria lappella Burdock Seedhead Moth
Coleotechnites florae Coleotechnites Flower Moth
Glyphidoceridae Glyphidocerid Moths
Plutellidae Plutellid Moths
Plutella xylostella Diamondback Moth
Yponomeutidae Yponomeutid Moths
Atteva aurea Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Lyonetiidae Lyonetiid Moths
Paraleucoptera albella Cottonwood Leafminer Moth
Ypsolophidae Ypsolophid Moths
Sesiidae Sesiid Moths
Synanthedon acerni Maple Callus Borer Moth
Cossidae Cossid Moths, Carpenter Moths
Prionoxystus robiniae Carpenterworm Moth
Acossus centerensis Poplar Carpenterworm Moth
Tortricidae Tortricid Moths
Olethreutes inornatana Inornate Olethreutes
Proteoteras crescentana Black-crescent Proteoteras
Pelochrista cataclystiana Solidago Pelochrista
Hedya separatana Pink-washed Leafroller
Cydia pomonella Codling Moth
Evora hemidesma Spirea Leaftier
Retinia albicapitana Northern Pitch Twig Moth
Cydia latiferreana Filbertworm Moth
Epiblema otiosana Bidens Borer Moth
Epiblema scudderiana Goldenrod Gall Moth
Eucosma ochroterminana Buff-tipped Phaneta Moth
Eucopina tocullionana White Pine Cone Borer
Apotomis funerea Funereal Apotomis Moth
Endothenia hebesana Verbena Bud Moth
Pseudosciaphila duplex Poplar Leafroller
Orthotaenia undulana Dusky Leafroller
Paralobesia viteana Grape Berry Moth
Argyrotaenia velutinana Red Banded Leafroller Moth
Clepsis peritana Garden Tortrix
Platynota idaeusalis Tufted Apple-Bud Moth
Archips semiferana Oak Leafroller Moth
Archips argyrospila Fruit-tree Leafroller Moth
Coelostathma discopunctana The Batman Moth
Archips negundana Large Boxelder Leafroller Moth
Cenopis pettitana Maple-basswood Leafroller Moth
Choristoneura rosaceana Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth
Acleris flavivittana Masked Leafroller
Cenopis reticulatana Reticulated Fruitworm Moth
Archips packardiana Spring Spruce Needle Moth
Choristoneura pinus Jack Pine Budworm Moth
Syndemis afflictana Gray Leafroller
Cochylis hoffmanana Hoffman's Cochlid Moth
Acleris semipurpurana Oak Leaftier Moth
Sparganothis sulfureana Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth
Pandemis limitata Three-lined Leafroller Moth
Limacodidae Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths
Tortricidia pallida Red-Crossed Button Slug
Lithacodes fasciola Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth
Prolimacodes badia Skiff Moth
Euclea delphinii Spiny Oak-slug Moth
Crambidae Crambid Snout Moths
Petrophila bifascialis Two-banded Petrophila
Elophila obliteralis Waterlily Leafcutter Moth
Petrophila fulicalis Feather-edged Petrophila
Parapoynx allionealis Watermilfoil Leafcutter Moth
Elophila icciusalis Pondside Pyralid
Parapoynx obscuralis Obscure Pondweed Moth
Thaumatopsis pexellus Wooly Grass-veneer
Microcrambus elegans Elegant Grass-veneer
Crambus laqueatellus Eastern Grass-veneer
Raphiptera argillaceella Diminutive Grass-veneer
Crambus albellus Small White Grass-veneer
Pediasia trisecta Sod Webworm Moth
Fissicrambus mutabilis Changeable Grass-veneer
Chilo plejadellus Rice Stalk Borer Moth
Xanthophysa psychialis Xanthophysa Moth
Glaphyria sesquistrialis White-roped Glaphyria
Mimoschinia rufofascialis Rufous-banded Crambid Moth
Palpita magniferalis Splendid Palpita
Ostrinia nubilalis European Corn Borer Moth
Saucrobotys futilalis Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth
Sitochroa chortalis Dimorphic Sitochroa Moth
Desmia funeralis Grape Leaffolder Moth
Herpetogramma bipunctalis Two-spotted Herpetogramma
Udea rubigalis Celery Leaftier Moth
Pyralidae Pyralid Moths
Galasa nigrinodis Boxwood Leaftier
Meroptera cviatella Poplar Bud Borer Moth
Pyla fusca Speckled Black Pyla Moth
Plodia interpunctella Indian-Meal Moth
Dioryctria zimmermani Zimmerman Pine Moth