New photographs of Great Spangled Fritillary
Submitted by BAMONA on Thu, 2010-01-07 16:59Two new photographs of the Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele subspecies leto) were added to the database from photographer Linda Vassallo.
Two new photographs of the Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele subspecies leto) were added to the database from photographer Linda Vassallo.
A Cape May, New Jersey record of the Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) was added to the database from contributor William Gerber Jr. (NJ-30Oct09)
Two hundred and twenty Texas butterfly records were added to the database from contributor Anthony Hewetson for the following species: Abaeis nicippe, Adelpha eulalia, Amblyscirtes aenus, Amblyscirtes eos, Amblyscirtes nysa, Amblyscirtes vialis, Anaea andria, Anatrytone logan, Asterocampa celtis, Asterocampa clyton, Atalopedes campestris, Brephidium exile, Calephelis nemesis, Calpodes ethlius, Cercyonis pegala, Chlosyne fulvia, Chlosyne gorgone, Chlosyne lacinia, Colias eurytheme, Copaeodes aurantiaca, Copaeodes minima, Cupido comyntas, Danaus gilippus, Danaus plexippus, Echinargus isola, Epargyreus clarus, Erastria decrepitaria, Erynnis funeralis, Euphyes vestris, Euptoieta claudia, Hesperia uncas, Hesperia viridis, Hylephila phyleus, Junonia coenia, Kricogonia lyside, Leptotes marina, Lerodea eufala, Libytheana carinenta, Limenitis archippus, Megisto rubricata, Mestra amymone, Nathalis iole, Nymphalis antiopa, Papilio polyxenes, Phaeostrymon alcestis, Phoebis agarithe, Phoebis sennae, Pholisora catullus, Phyciodes graphica, Phyciodes phaon, Phyciodes picta, Phyciodes tharos, Pieris rapae, Plebejus lupini, Polygonia interrogationis, Pontia protodice, Satyrium titus, Staphylus hayhursti, Strymon melinus, Vanessa annabella, Vanessa atalanta, Vanessa cardui, Vanessa virginiensis, Wallengrenia otho, and Zerene cesonia. (TX-28Dec09)
Three hundred and thirty-two California butterfly records - mostly Anthocharis, Callophrys, Cercyonis, Erynnis, Euphilotes, Heliopetes, Hesperia, Junonia, Lerodea, Ochlodes, Panoquina, Pontia, and Speyeria species - were added to the database from contributors A. M. Shapiro, Anna Austin, B. Griffin, B. Smith, Bill Gendron, Bruce Walsh, C. Dammers, C. Hageman, C. Nice, C. Sekerman, Charles Rudkin, Charles Sexton, D. Walker, Dennis Murphy, Derham Giuliani, Don Meadows, Erich Walter, Fred T. Thorne, G. Forbes, G. Kareofelas, Gary Felton, George T. Austin, Gordon Marsh, Gordon Pratt, G. Ballmer, H. V. Reinhard, Harden B. Jones, J. De Benedictus, J. Emmel, R. Highton, J. Justice, R. Stanford, J. S. Kent, Jack Levy, James R. Mori, James Scott, Jim Brock, John DeBenedictus, John F. Emmel, John Garth, John Heyse, John Pasko, Keith Hughes, Ken Davenport, Kenneth Denton, L. Kerr, Larry Orsak, Leslie Smith, Linda Vassallo, M. Walton, Norman Nakanishi, Oakley Shields, Oliver & Combs, Oscar Sette, P. Spade, Paul Johnson II, Paul Opler, Paul Tuskes, Pete Spino, Philip McNally, R. Gardner, R. Rogers, Ralph Wells, Richard Priestaf, Robert F. Denno, Robert L. Langston, Ron Vanderhoff, Rudi Mattoni, Theodore Hower, Tom Dimock, W. D. Patterson, W. Knoshaug, Wheeler Expedition, and William Swisher. (CA-23Dec09)
Twenty-two new moth species were added to the database: Phaecasiophora confixana, Olethreutes connectus, Olethreutes astrologana, Catastega aceriella, Epinotia lindana, Archips dissitana, Aethes hoffmanana, Palpita arsaltealis, Crambus girardellus, Acrobasis kearfottella, Dioryctria zimmermani, Orthofidonia flavivenata, Epirrhoe alternata, Papaipema duplicata, Hydrelia condensata, Lithacodes fiskeanus, Adita chionanthi, Argyresthia freyella, Sparganothis albicaudana, Crambus multilinellus, Herpetogramma abdominalis, and Acronicta lepusculina. (Nov09)
A Berks County, Pennsylvania record of The Bad-wing was added to the database from contributor Karl Gardner. (kickback-PA-01Nov09)
The species account of the White-marked Tussock Moth was updated.
Two Minnesota moth records were added to the database: Hemileuca nevadensis (Hennepin County, Emily Tenczar & Marcie O'Connor) and Orgyia leucostigma (Aitkin County, Carl Greiner). (MN-22Dec09)
Three hundred and thirty-five California butterfly records were added to the database from contributors A. M. Shapiro, Bob Koyama, Bruce Walsh, C. Sekerman, J. Dockweiler, Charles Sekerman, Charles Sexton, Chris Henne, David L. Bauer, Dennis Sorg, Dennis Walker, Denno, Rust & Shields, Erich Walter, F. Grinnell, Fred T. Thorne, Gary Felton, George Balogh, George T. Austin, Gordon Marsh, J. F. Emmel, J. Parchen, J. S. Buckett, Jack Levy, James R. Mori, James Scott, Jerry Powell, Jim Brock, John Cooper, John F. Emmel, John Lane, Ken Davenport, Kenneth Denton, Kilian Roever, Kim Kuska, Larry Orsak, M. McKenney, Michael J. Smith, Morgan Hebard, Munroe Walton, N. La Due, Nick Lethaby, Norbert Kondla, Norman Nakanishi, Oakley Shields , Oliver & Combs, Paul Johnson, Paul Levine, Paul Opler, Paul Tuskes, Perkins & Shields, Peter Herlan, Peter Jump, Philip McNally, R. C. Gardner, R. Imig, R. L. Scharf, R. Wells, Ralph Wells, Ray Stanford, Robert L. Langston, Ron Vanderhoff, Rudi Mattoni, S. R. Sims, Sterling O. Mattoon, Theodore Hower, Tom Dimock, and William Swisher. (CA-21Dec09)
Two new photographs of the Titan Sphinx (Aellopos titan) were added to the database from photographer Tom Middagh.