Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

New Utah, Texas, and Oregon records

Eight butterfly records were added to the database: in Utah, Vanessa cardui (Piute County, Paul Opler & Evi Buckner); in Texas, Mimoides phaon (Hidalgo County, Martin Redi), Marpesia petreus (Hidalgo County, Martin Redi), Doxocopa pavon (Hidalgo County, Martin Redi), Syntomeida melanthus (Hidalgo County, Martin Redi), Phyciodes pallescens (Hidalgo County, J.R. McDermott), and Phyciodes phaon (Hidalgo County, J.R. McDermott); and in Oregon, Polites mardon (Jackson County, D. Gudehus).

324 California butterfly records

Three hundred and twenty-four California butterfly records were added to the database from contributors A. M. Shapiro, A. Menke, S. Miller, R. Rust, B. Bowers, Bennet, Gill, Magano, Miller, Passock, Bruce Griffin, C. D. Ferris, C. Goodpasture, C. Hageman, C. Hogue, C. M. Dammers, C. MacNeill, C. Sekerman, Charles Remington, Charles Sekerman, Chris Henne, D. Weissman, David L. Bauer, Derham Giuliani, Don Meadows, E. Rudolph, Eric Remington, Fred T. Thorne, G. A. Gorelick, G. F. Soule, G. Forbes, G. Frankie, Gordon F. Pratt, Greg Ballmer, H. V. Reinhard, J. & J. Chemsak, J. & T. Emmel, J. C. Montgomery, J. Mori, J. Snider, James A. Scott, Jean Gunder, Jerry Powell, Jim Brock, John F. Emmel, John Lane, John S. Garth, Ken Hansen, Larry Gall, Larry Orsak, Lloyd Martin, M. A. Lardner, M. Irwin, M. J. McKenney, M. Smith, Michael Smith, Munroe Walton, Oakley Shields, Oscar Sette, Paul Opler, Paul Tuskes, R. A. Belmont, R. C. Gardner, R. Hart, R. M. Brown, R. P. Allen, R. Taylor, Ralph Wells, Richard Breedlove, Richard Kelson, Richard Priestaf, Robert L. Langston, Ron Vanderhoff, S. Bennett, S. McElfresh, Scott Miller, Stan Dvorak, Sterling Mattoon, T. & J. Emmel, T. M. Blackman, T. P. Webster III, T. Tolman, V. Chang, W. A. Foster, W. A. Hammer, W. C. Bentinck, W. E. Groth, W. G. Wright, W. H. Evans, Wayne Dawes, and William Swisher. (CA-29Dec09)

New Mississippi butterfly and moth records

Forty-eight Mississippi butterfly and moth records were added to the database. From Daniel Drennen: Hemileuca maia (Hinds County); from Karen Hodum: Antheraea polyphemus (Alcorn County); from Kent Fothergill: Psuedoplusia includens (Panola County), Dryocampa rubicunda (Wilkinson County), and Atteva punctella (Wilkinson County); from Kilian Roever: Euphydryas phaeton ozarkae (Tishomingo County); from Mark Walker: Amblyscirtes vialis (Benton County), Amblyscirtes hegon (Benton County), Poanes zabulon (Benton County), Chlosyne nycteis (Benton County), Callophrys niphon (Chickasaw County), Callophrys henrici (Chickasaw County), and Nymphalis antiopa (Chickasaw County); from Mrs. Kelly Jacobs: Hemaris diffinis (Desoto County); from Susan Weatherholt: Amphion floridensis (Rankin County); and 33 records from Ricky Patterson. (MS-31Dec09)

334 new California butterfly records

Three hundred and thirty-four California butterfly records were added to the database from contributors A & P Tuskes, A. M. Shapiro, Al & Tom Rubbert, Bruce Griffin, Bruce Walsh, C. Covell, C. D. MacNeill, C. Sekerman, Charles Rudkin, Charles Sekerman, Charles Sexton, Chris Henne, David Faulkner, David L. Nauer, Derham Giuliani, Don Roberson, E & T. Perkins, E. Strand, Erich Walter, Fred Heath, Fred T. Thorne, Gary File, Gordon Pratt, H. Clarke, H. V. Reinhard, J. Lane, J. A. Comstock, J. A. Justice, J. Brock, J. C. Wiseman, J. De Benedictis, J. Masters, J. T. Cooper, James A. Scott, James R. Mori, Jeffrey Glassberg, Jim Brock, John F. Emmel, John H. Masters, Kathy Malone, Ken Hansen, Kirby Brown, L. L. Hewes, Larry Orsak, Lloyd M. Martin, Margaret Huffman, Monroe Walton, Oakley Shields , Oscar Sette, P & S Russell, Paul Tuskes, R. F. Sternitzky, R. H. Reid, R. Highton, R. Scharf, Ralph Wells, Ray Stanford, Robert L. Langston, Rodney D. Davis, Ron Leuschener, S. E. Miller, Sterling O. Mattoon, T. W. Davies, Theodore Hower, Tom Murray, Victor L. Clemence, W. Knoshaug, Wanda Dameron, and William H. Evans. (CA-26Dec09)

New Missouri butterfly and moth records

Seventy-six Missouri butterfly and moth records were added to the database. From contributor Amy Short: Euphydryas phaeton (Cape Girardeau County), Cyllopsis gemma (Cape Girardeau County), and Anthocharis midea (Cape Girardeau County); from Cory Cross: Spragueia dama (Pemiscot County); from Darlene Gjelvic: Citheronia regalis (St. Louis County); from Deborah Dunlap: Atalopedes campestris (Jackson County), Phoebis sennae (Jackson County), Colias eurytheme (Jackson County), Epargyreus clarus (Jackson County), and Halysidota tessellaris (Jackson County); from James Trager: Leptotes cassius (Franklin County); from Kathy Brady: Pyrgus communis (Howard County), Polygonia interrogationis (Howard County), and Polygonia interrogationis (Howard County); from Kent Fothergill: Helicoverpa zea (Boone County), Hypena scabra (Cape Girardeau County), Pseudoplusia includens (Cape Girardeau County), Pseudoplusia includens (New Madrid County), Rachiplusia ou (New Madrid County), Spodoptera frugiperda (New Madrid County), Anicla infecta (New Madrid County), Galgula partita (New Madrid County), Palthis asopialis (Pemiscot County), Mocis texana (Pemiscot County), Feltia jaculifera (Pemiscot County), Papaipema baptisiae (Pemiscot County), Thioptera nigrofimbria (Scott County), Pseudoplusia includens (Scott County), and Feltia jaculifera (Scott County); from Kevin Firth: Feltia jaculifera (Greene County), Synchlora aerata (Greene County), Junonia coenia (Greene County), Orgyia leucostigma (Greene County), Caenurgina erechtea (Greene County), Agnorisma bollii (Greene County), Agrotis gladiaria (Greene County), Hypena scabra (Greene County), Anicla infecta (Greene County), Agnorisma badinodis (Greene County), Agnorisma badinodis (Greene County), Mythimna unipuncta (Greene County), Phosphila miselioides (Taney County), and Fascista cercerisella (Taney County); from Pat Garner: Cupido comyntas (Lincoln County), Choephora fungorum (Lincoln County), and Parasa indetermina (Lincoln County); from Rhonda Herndon: Sphinx kalmiae (Ozark County), Eurytides marcellus (Ozark County), Scolecocampa liburna (Ozark County), Darapsa myron (Ozark County), Papilio glaucus (Ozark County), Dyspteris abortivaria (Ozark County), Drasteria pallescens (Ozark County), Galasa nigrinodis (Ozark County), Lithacodes fasciola (Ozark County), Arta statalis (Ozark County), Eudryas grata (Ozark County), Antheraea polyphemus (Ozark County), and Eusarca confusaria (Ozark County); from Steve Craig and Amy Short: Estigmene acrea (Barton County), Speyeria idalia (Barton County), Vanessa virginiensis (Christian County), Atalopedes campestris (Christian County), Polygonia progne (Christian County), Speyeria cybele (Greene County), Limenitis arthemis astyanax (Greene County), Polygonia comma (Greene County), Battus philenor (Greene County), Actias luna (Greene County), Satyrium titus (Stone County), Chlosyne nycteis (Stone County), Ancyloxypha numitor (Stone County), Asterocampa clyton (Stone County), Chlosyne nycteis (Stone County), Mellilla xanthometata (Stone County), and Enodia anthedon (Stone County). (MO-30 Dec09)